A time to worry?

For much of the second quarter, the markets could not decide whether it was time to panic and retreat or not. Despite many negative headlines, it was a challenge to clearly and emphatically determine a risk factor that justified a general move to safety in the markets. On the flip side, with […]

By |July 14th, 2018|Features|Comments Off on A time to worry?|

Is the honeymoon over?

The title of the first quarterly letter for 2018 ponders the obvious question about the financial markets. Indeed, the long lasting “honeymoon” between President Trump and the U.S. equity markets seems to be over, with the Dow Jones Index down roughly 12% between the high on January 26th and the recent low on […]

By |April 21st, 2018|Features|Comments Off on Is the honeymoon over?|

One Down, Three Or More To Go

With the first year of the Trump Administration now history, we take a step back to assess the state of the markets and discuss the outlook for 2018. Markets roared ahead for the year ending December 31st, 2017: the S&P 500 delivered a total return of 21.83%; the Dow Jones was up 28.11%; the […]

By |January 20th, 2018|Features|Comments Off on One Down, Three Or More To Go|

A Look Back at Q3, 2017

As the second half of the year kicked in, markets continued to show resiliency and moved higher despite plenty of negative news — the confluence of hurricanes, floods, earthquakes and wildfires, a brewing international confrontation, terrorist incidents in London, Marseilles and Barcelona, just to name a few. Markets seemed particularly vulnerable to the […]

By |October 18th, 2017|Features|Comments Off on A Look Back at Q3, 2017|

A Look Back at Q2, 2017

First half of the year down, second half to go! The second quarter was a relatively quiet period for the markets with U.S. stocks appearing to move up and hit new highs frequently. The same narrative we wrote of in our first quarter note remained in full play throughout this quarter as well. The […]

By |July 27th, 2017|Features|Comments Off on A Look Back at Q2, 2017|

The Start of a New “Yera”

With a new U.S. Administration having taken office in January, the financial markets seem to keep their optimism despite some foreseeable changes in economic policies. The Standard & Poor’s 500 was up 6.0%, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was up 5.2%, the iShares iBoxx High Grade Corporate Bond Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) was up […]

By |April 20th, 2017|Features|Comments Off on The Start of a New “Yera”|